
Kettenbach Dental presents: the new packaging design

At IDS 2019 Kettenbach Dental presented its professional audience with a completely new corporate design. As part of this new design, the extensive product range of the German family-run company has now been given a new and distinctive look. Users will soon receive their familiar products Futar®, Identium®, Panasil®, Silginat®, Mucopren®, and Visalys® in modern and fresh packaging. The company emphasizes that of course the products themselves remain unchanged regarding their quality and character.

True to the motto “bringing together what belongs together”, the entire product range from Kettenbach Dental now has a modern and uniform look. Along with the main functions of any packaging, for example, of acting as a cover and protection during storage and transport as well as conveying the most important information about a product, it is particularly relevant for the user to be able to rapidly identify and differentiate the products.

The fresh design of the new packaging places the unique product diversity center stage, ensuring recognition and the greatest clarity. The various indications and the associated products can be clearly differentiated thanks to the colors and images used, making it easy for users to differentiate, for example, the categories impressions and restoration.

The new design is a logical extension of the company colors of blue and white that includes all pack sizes and is used on both the folding boxes and the cartridge and dose labels. The new design is now available with products being gradually supplied to distributors. Users will therefore soon receive their tried and true Kettenbach Dental products in the new packaging.

Regardless whether Futar®, Identium®, Panasil®, Silginat®, Mucopren®, or Visalys® –all products from Kettenbach Dental remain unchanged and preserve their unique and premium quality contents. Simply intelligent.